Category Archives: photography

Protect your Online Images with Pixsy


Nectarine Spring Blooms

Sadly, people seem to think that online images are for the taking.  They either don’t know or don’t care about image copyright laws.  Nor do they stop to think that the photographer or artist should be compensated for their work.  It is very difficult for an individual to protect their online images.

But that may be about to change.  In an April 9 blog post, the photo-sharing service Flickr announced a partnership with Pixsy.  Pixsy is an image monitoring service that can help you find and fight image theft.  

A member of Flickr recounted how he uses Pixsy.  In one case, he found one of his images on an album cover on iTunes!  Pixsy helped him detect copyright infringement and get fairly compensated for unauthorized use of his images

Flickr claims to be the best online photo management and sharing application in the world.  It has changed a bit since I first joined.  In order to survive financially, Flickr was purchased by Smug Mug.  It still has a free option, but the Pro option has many features that make it quite attractive.  One of the new features is Pixsy.

Pixsy provides a wide range of services from monitoring your images to sending legally binding takedown notices on a global level to have your image removed.  You can even submit a case to Pixsy’s legal department to recover lost revenue on your behalf.  And Pixsy doen’t get paid unless you do.

You may ask if you need image protection.  Here’s one way to find out. 

  1. Go to 
  2. Click on Images in the upper right corner.  This should take you to the Google Images search box. 
  3. Click on the Camera which says Search by Image when your mouse is over it.
  4. Click on Upload an Image and choose an image from your computer

Google will search the internet and display any visually similar images.

The focus of Flikr is on photography, but I see no reason this would not work for images of fine art as well.  You can read more about Pixy at

Open Studios will Fly By in 4 days

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

According to the Cornel Lab of Ornithology, the Bald Eagle has been the national emblem of America since 1782.  At one point these impressive birds were endangered by hunting and pesticides, but now maintain a conservation status Species of Least Concern due to protection.

I was thrilled to see Bald Eagles on a daily basis on our sailing trips in the Canadian Pacific Northwest, but there are still habitat issues.  A bald eagle nest can weigh up to two tons and requires a very strong, preferably old growth tree to support it.  Logging continues to threaten eagle nesting sites.


Bald Eagles at Port McNeil, Vancouver Island.

Meet Ann Nunziata during Open Studios Napa Valley, studio #33, 625 Randolph Street, Downtown Napa
Saturday 10-5pm; Sunday 11-5pm.


Open Studios Napa Valley 2017

Important dates: September 16-17, 22-23

Open Studios is only 6 weeks away!

This year I am exhibiting at venue #33 with Kathy Tranmer. We are trying a new location more central to downtown Napa. Our exhibits are located in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church. The parking is located on 5th street just as it meets up with Randolph St.

You can find more information and directions to all the artist venues at the Open Studios website, here. I'm also responsible for editing the website information, so let me know if there are any errors or anything is unclear.

My husband and I are currently sailing in Desolation Sound, British Columbia.
See you in September!

Finding Your Artistic Niche

What is a niche?  I like this definition from Merriam-Webster¹

a :  a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted <finally found her niche>

This definition reminds me of a book I read (with much hope) titled “Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow” by Marsha Sinetar.  The idea, as the title implies, is if you truly love what you are doing, the activity will be so enjoyable and you will do it so well, that eventually people will pay you to do it.

A corollary to this idea, I’ve found, is that people tend to enjoy things they do well.  After all, who enjoys failing?

For an artist, finding a niche usually means creating a body of work with similar and recognizable characteristics.  It could be similar materials, subject matter, or simply complementary colors.  It becomes your niche when people can view your work and recognize it as yours.

I’ve thought about my own niche for at least 10 years without success.  It seemed I was cursed with too many interests to settle on any one thing.  Then, last weekend it hit me.  It’s been staring me in the face all along.

As I informed my fellow artist that bald eagles face grave environmental threat due to clear-cutting of old growth forests, I realized that I’ve become the Naturalist Artist.  My medium may vary from photography to watercolor to pastel and beyond, but my theme is always the environment and the creatures that inhabit it.

I’ve found my niche!


1.”Niche.” Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2016.


Bald Eagles at Port McNeil, Vancouver Island